Firstly, are you spending time on social media yourself and engaging with others? What is it that makes YOU stop?
Although you’re unlikely to fit into your ideal customer profile, you can learn from what interests you. Is it the way they’ve framed their hook/headline? Is it the way they open with a question?
Some of the best social media posts get straight to the point. They tell you straight away what the key lesson or topic is. The posts are easy to read and consider users on mobile.
Identifying what makes other people successful on social media gives you inspiration and you can adapt their format to suit you.
Some ways to create attention-grabbing content include –
To stop the scroll, you need great copy, strong, and visually appealing images, and a clear call to action (CTA). Here are some great CTA examples to help you smash your social media engagement.
Don’t forget your attention-grabbing content needs to be helpful and valuable. Don’t use controversial statements that provide nothing interesting or useful to your audience. That’s classed as click-bait and when people see this it can have a negative impact on your reputation.
Stop blaming the algorithm for poor performance posts. There are a few other things you need to consider before even taking the algorithm into consideration.
No matter whether you’re posting in the ‘right’ or ‘recommended’ way people will keep scrolling unless you’re sharing attention-grabbing content. If you’re being dull or corporate in your social media content and not showing personality, your engagement is likely to be low.
Also, if you aren’t spending any time engaging with people in your feed, you won’t be creating lasting business relationships. When you comment, other people see this in their news feeds. Not doing this not only makes it hard to build the know, like, and trust factor, but it also negatively impacts how many people the algorithm pushes your content to.
It’s the difference between shouting into an empty room vs having a discussion around a dinner party table with friends.
It’s your job to test what grabs people’s attention in your industry. If something works well, evaluate why. Then reframe the same topic in a slightly different way, called content repurposing, which can help you test opening lines or images.
Social media content can help to create long-lasting, loyal relationships through a good customer buying process.
Customers generally go through different stages – awareness, interest, desire, action (AIDA). Using the AIDA marketing principle, you can use social media to create awareness and interest with attention-grabbing content. Making the right first impression on social media can mean great success for your brand.
After people get through those first stages, you can create desire with different types of social media content. This could be a free download, a linked resource, or a product review.
User generated content (UGC) is perfect for showing how other real people are using your products or sharing their thoughts on your service. It can be great content for your brand and people respond well to it, as it feels authentic. Read more about the importance of UGC in social media to help you create desire.
When your audience has seen more information and their hesitations have been met, you can then encourage action. People who are invested in your brand and have seen interesting content that makes them stop scrolling will be more likely to trust you and purchase.
In time, you will take prospects from being unaware of your brand to becoming brand advocates – loyal customers who recommend you to others and provide repeat business. That should be your goal from using attention-grabbing contenton social media.
Attention-grabbing content that appeals to the masses is not enough. You need to get the attention from the right people, else you won’t grow your business in the right way.
Some people focus on going viral – but that shouldn’t be your aim. Without the right people seeing your posts, you won’t make any more sales. Although high engagement posts help with your brand awareness, you should always tailor your content to your ideal customer.
To consistently create attention-grabbing content that helps turn people into brand advocates, you need a good system. The Thinking Cap would always recommend you use a social media content calendar to keep on top of your content.
Planning your social media content for the year ahead means you don’t miss key opportunities in the calendar for your brand. It also means you can get ahead of your game by planning 2023 social media content now by creating a consistent, intentional plan.
If you struggle with knowing what type of content you should create and how to make an impact on social media, The Thinking Cap can help with creating your content plan. Get in touch to find out more and start making attention-grabbing content.
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